Saturday, February 5, 2011

So what is Shannon doing, anyways?

Well, today, I woke up at noon, and really haven't done anything in the 7 hours since then.

During the nearly two months since my last post, I've... finished the first semester of my master's program, gone home for a while, and now I'm back for more studying.

But what am I studying, anyways?

This may seem like a silly question, but whenever anyone asks, the answer is never clear.

So let's just say I'm studying geography.  I am getting a Master of Arts degree in Geography.

This was labeled as "Geography Fail" in the google search...

So a master geographer!  That means I should know all about where places are, right?!  Like these places:


Hmmn...  I'm gonna be like this guy!:

And how about a map to go with that?  Geographers love maps!:

Now that I've gone a little video crazy... we'll say that I am studying Environment, Society, and Development.  Or more like... Geopolitics, Intervention, and Development.  Yes, I'd say that's slightly more accurate.

I'm not studying maps, I don't know where places are, but I can tell you that in a couple of months, I'm going to a country that didn't exist in Yakko's World!

I'm actually just spending hours getting through this list:


P. S. - If you cried a little bit while watching the first video, you're not alone :)

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